There are so many people who really comes out STRONG
but not too many see them decaying inside.
I made this comment in Paulo Coelho's blog post. In case he does not publish it, well it should be here...
And I believe gifts of that nature (insults, curses, pain, etc.) should not be accepted.
To reject it is indeed tough.
The same extent when one is rejecting a bag of gold as a gift.
With so much hatred in this world, packaging of a gift can really be confusing!
- Oh God, I hope this time the Filipinos do make a right choice. Even with my weak heart, my mind is headstrong for Gilbert Teodoro. He is perfect for my President. I am just sad that I will send him to Hell - the Presidential Palace. He can fight some evil there.
I want a strong leader like him. And an intelligent one.
Well, I cannot choose Noynoy Aquino. But I would love to see him happy by taking care of his nephews and nieces better than running the country.
Which is strong?
a) think good about a bad person
b) think bad about a good person
I feel good when there are birds around
because it means "safety".
If there is no harm for them,
the same way it is with us people.
Back home, when it is time to trim my trees,
I do it "partly this and partly that"
so they will not lose their nests.
And I do not lose them!

Christmas is a special season.
But the spending behind that season,
just scares me so much.
We spent less for the past 3 Christmases
and I realized
we ended up with just the right happiness for the season.
For less amount in our pockets.
Do you really think and believe
that you are in a much worst condition than people outside of your country?
There are days when one feels like going to a battle and fight really serious issues of the world
but there are days too when one realizes there are enough battles to face at the home front.
Some choose to stay home with washing the dishes, doing the laundry
dust-off dirt and so on and on and on.
Criminals think they are right,
the way victims are passionate about being at the right side too.
Does anyone here
not know that our biggest sex organ
is our brain?
Dying is as tough as living.
I would choose living while I am still in it.
Will face dying when it is time
for me to go.
On the armed conflict data that I am reading, this is my piece:
This kind of data pokes me and remind me of the security that I own. Not that much really, but think of this, the people who lives in conflict laden lands, have nothing.
Whenever they are given back their homes, most likely they are going to lose it again at another spark of gun battles. When they get some nights of peaceful sleep, they will have more nightmares! But they hope and live. How does one bargain to God for security?
you cheating your partner
if you are doing hot and sexy chat
with someone else in the net ?????